LINIST / News / Company news / EFEA 2016: Extended meeting of Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Fair and Exhibition Activities and Support of Manufacturers and Exporters

EFEA 2016: Extended meeting of Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Fair and Exhibition Activities and Support of Manufacturers and Exporters

22 January 2016

On the first day of work of the Europe and Asia Event Forum (EFEA), an extended meeting of the RF CCI Committee on Fair and Exhibition Activities and Support of Manufacturers and Exporters took place. In the course of the meeting, matters were considered, which, according to the speakers, are currently most urgent and require special attention of RF CCI specialists.
The first part of the meeting was devoted to the results and prospects of implementation of the concept for development of fair and exhibition activities approved by the Resolution of Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2014 No.1273-r. In his speech, the meeting's moderator, Chairman of RF CCI Committee on Fair and Exhibition Activities and Support of Manufacturers and Exporters, Sergey Sergeevich Bednov, gave particular emphasis to the success of the work group established after the adoption of the concept implementation plan.
According to Mr. Bednov, during 2015, the work group specialists managed to obtain an official permit for the use of land plots for conduction of fair and exhibition activities (previously, this type of activity used to be identified as trade activity in the laws of the Russian Federation). In addition, some success was achieved in technical regulation of fair and exhibition activities. In particular, after full consideration of advantages and disadvantages of national standard for fair and exhibition activities (GOST R 53103-2008) in 2015, it was supplemented with a definition "exhibition of federal importance", which, according to expert opinion, had long needed to be included in the standard.
In the second part of the meeting, the execution of order of Government of the Russian Federation was considered, under which the CCI specialists are currently preparing a repeated substantiation of expediency of making an industry federal law. As it was pointed out by Sergey Bednov, "The law is a foundation, on which it is possible to build something really noteworthy. Surely, the level of expediency of state support of fair and exhibition activities is to be adjusted in each of the regions. However, the most important fact is that the support is to be provided not to exhibition companies as the direct organizers of events, but rather to exhibitors participating in them."