LINIST / References / The Trade representative of Russian Federation in Kingdom of Spain, 2011

The Trade representative of Russian Federation in Kingdom of Spain, 2011

Dear Sergey Nickolayevich!

The Trade mission of Russian Federation in Kingdom of Spain wishes to express appreciation and gratitude for the responsibility to the affair entrusted and the high professionalism in your work to you and to the RESTEC EVENT MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY Ltd. and the RESTEC INTERNATIONAL Companies’ employees which ensured the preparation and holding of the Exhibition “Scientific, Technical and Innovative Achievements of Russia”.

We believe it is necessary to point out the high quality of the exhibition as a whole, as well as excellent training of your Company, providing competent organization and conduction of negotiations with representatives of the leading Spanish Innovative Companies.

In addition we would like to pay attention to the positive experience of applying innovative technologies in the field of exhibition activity, demonstrated and used by “RESTEC® Group” during the event.

Given the high interest of major Spanish firms to domestic innovative designs the Trade mission believes that thanks to the efficient work of your Company it became possible to create a business image of Russia as the leading scientific power and to produce the major impetus for the further effective development of business contacts and confirm mutual interest in the practical implementation of the vast scientific and technical potential of Russia and Spain.
We hope that the exhibition would be a serious step towards expanding the Russian-Spanish economic cooperation on a mutually advantageous basis.

Yours faithfully,

Rubinchik A.S, The Trade representative of Russian Federation in Kingdom of Spain

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