LINIST / Portfolio / Events / 2010 St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum

2010 St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum

29 September 2010 - 01 October 2010

Venue: Russia, St.Petersburg, the Exhibition Complex “LenExpo”

Customer: St. Petersburg Government


  • PR support
  • Exposition design and construction 
  • Congress management
  • Contractors coordination
  • Participants registration organization
  • Equipment and technical assistance 

St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum is one of the key events in the business life of St. Petersburg, the main event of Russian innovation economy, a meeting place for professionals who work together to define the prospects, opportunities and priorities for the innovative development of the Russian economy.

Extensive exposition and saturated business program, which includes more than fifty congress events provide participants an excellent opportunity to present their achievements, share experiences and make important decisions.

The Forum was attended by Russian and foreign business and public authorities, public organizations and unions.